WPBSA Statement – Ronnie O’Sullivan

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=== From USSR ===
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WPBSA Statement 26th October 2022

The WPBSA and Ronnie O’Sullivan Disciplinary Hearing Finding

After a WPBSA Disciplinary Committee hearing before an independent tribunal on 16th September 2022, Ronnie O’Sullivan was found to have breached the WPBSA Conduct Regulations and his players contract:

The allegation was that the Player had made a lewd and offensive gesture on two separate occasions in televised matches at the UK Championship 2021 and World Championship 2022.

At the hearing Mr O’Sullivan denied the allegations.

On 24th October 2022, the sanction imposed on Mr O’Sullivan was:

To pay a fine of £2,000; and
To pay the costs of the Hearing fixed at £2,000

Mr O’Sullivan has the right to appeal the decisions of the Disciplinary Committee.

Наивность — свидетельство не глупости, а чистоты души.
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Стаж: 3 года 4 месяца

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Для Ронни это не штраф - копейки. ))
Анархия не хаос, анархия - мать порядка.